Overall Analysis

Using the Client Interview and the Site Survey, our unmet needs and wants were identified. Based on this, the necessary functions and their associated goals were created to set a clear path to follow.

Functions and Goals

The functions and goals can be seen below. (These goals were created using the SMART system (Specific, Measurable, Agreed Upon, Realistic and Time-Bound).

  1. Increase the income generated on site

    • From 2015 to 2019, there should be an increase in the income generated by the rental business while keeping its maintenance as low as possible.

  2. Increase access to healthy food while generating savings

    • By 2019, at least, 60% of all fruits and vegetables should be harvested from the site lowering the visits to the supermarket and having increased access to clean and healthy food.

  3. Increase energy independence and savings

    • A minimum of 40% of the electricity required to power the whole site should be generated by renewables by 2020 providing savings and safety in the case of a power failure.

  4. Lower water cost and waste

    • By 2019, there should be a decrease in tap water use to decrease costs while still supplying water for plants and the entire site’s needs.

  5. Increase local resources like mulch and fertilizer.

    • From 2016, there should be a significant decrease in the need to bring fertilizer, soil, mulch or compost from outside, by generating them on site.

  6. Increase comfort inside all the apartments

    • By 2019, each living area should be as comfortable as possible by reducing humidity and keeping them as cool as possible without the need for air conditioners or dehumidifier.

  7. Ten designs for my Permaculture diploma

    • Complete my path towards the Diploma in Permaculture Design by 2019 by using this site as a place where I can implement and/or design my 10 diploma designs and also, gain experience in regenerative design.

  8. Be able to engender interest in Permaculture and regenerative living.

    • At the end of 2021, I would like to use the site occasionally as an educational venue where I can offer Permaculture Design Certificate Courses. Also, by 2017 it should serve as a self-guided demonstration site that can engender interest in Permaculture.

  9. Increase soil fertility

    • Increase fertility in our soil to decrease the chances of crop failure and to increase the nutritional value and taste of the food generated on site.

  10. Lower maintenance

    • By the end of 2019, there has to be a decrease in the need of constant maintenance of the site like mowing and watering.

  11. Space for leisure and play while keeping our privacy

    • By the end of 2017, a space that is safe, aesthetic and comfortable should be reserved within the Food Forest for family reunions and for guests and children to enjoy.

    • Allow trees to block the view from the street without blocking prevailing winds.

  12. 0 waste

    • On the first year, 2016 there should be a significant decrease in the amount of waste generated on site from food, packaging, etc. by recycling, reusing, reducing and composting.

    • By 2020, humanure should be collected from the rental’s toilets serving as a demonstration element and lowering water use and contamination.

Two goals were adjusted using the SMART system:

  1. The site should provide 100% of the food needed for Ms Ortiz (Not Realistic)

    • Due to Ms Ortiz diet, which includes meat products, this goal was changed to “60% of all fruits and vegetables”. Ms Ortiz’s job takes away quite a lot of her time and she would not be able to take care of any animals. For me it would have worked because of my vegan diet but I will not be living permanently at this site.

  2. All waste generated on site should be collected, including humanure from all apartments. (Not agreed upon)

    • Ms Ortiz was very emphatic that she did not want to maintain composting toilets, after the process was explained to her. Only one composting toilet will be installed in my tiny-house which only I use.

Functions and Systems

Ten systems were chosen based on the selected functions. I tried to make sure that every system would serve, at least, two functions. The main goal for each design will be explained on their respective webpages.

  1. Increase the income generated on site

    • Eco-Lodge

    • Demonstration/educational site

  2. Increase access to healthy food while generating savings

    • Food Forest

    • Veggie Garden

  3. Increase energy independence and savings

    • PV Solar system

    • Rain water collection system

  4. Lower water cost and waste

    • Grey Water Harvesting system

    • Composting toilet

    • Rain water collection system

  5. Increase local resources like mulch and fertilizer.

    • Compost System

    • Vermicompost System

    • Composting toilet

  6. Increase comfort inside the apartments

    • Outdoor kitchen

    • Food Forest

    • Tiny House remodeling

  7. Ten designs for my Permaculture diploma

    • Eco Lodge Integration

    • Grey Water Harvest System

    • Zone 1 Garden

    • Food Forest

    • Compost System

    • Vermiculture

    • PV Energy

    • Outdoor Kitchen w Rocket Stove

    • Tiny House eco-remodeling

    • Composting Toilet

  8. Engender interest in Permaculture and regenerative living.

    • Eco Lodge Integration

    • Grey Water Harvest System

    • Zone 1 Garden

    • Food Forest

    • Compost System

    • Vermiculture

    • PV Energy

    • Outdoor Kitchen w Rocket Stove

    • Tiny House eco-remodeling

    • Composting Toilet

  9. Increase soil fertility

    • Food Forest

    • Veggie Garden

    • Grey Water Harvesting system

    • Composting toilet

    • Compost System

    • Vermiculture

  10. Lower maintenance

    • Food Forest

    • Grey Water Harvesting system

    • Compost System

    • Vermiculture

  11. Space for leisure and play while keeping our privacy

    • Food Forest

  12. 0 waste

    • Grey Water Harvesting system

    • Composting toilet

    • Compost System

    • Vermiculture

Other systems that were considered but discarded (or postponed):

  • Fungiculture system- Even though I consume edible mushrooms regularly, there was no data about local mushroom growing for Portobello or Shiitake. The trial process would have consumed too much time, considering all the other systems to be implemented. Also, Ms Ortiz does not like their taste and I will not live on site for long to enjoy the yields of this system. May be designed if I return.

  • Permapiculture- This bee-keeping system would have provided honey for me but Ms Ortiz rarely consumes it. The main reason for this system was to increase fertility but it would have required additional maintenance work from Ms Ortiz once I moved out. May be designed if I return.

Principle 5: Use & value renewable resources & services

Make the best use of nature’s abundance to reduce our consumptive behaviour and dependence on non-renewable resources.

From: " https://permacultureprinciples.com/principles/_5/ "
Beautiful nature landscape with silhouette of coniferous forest, mountains and sun, natural scene icon in geometric shape design, vector illustration in black and white colors, flat style